Category Archives: amreading

Stud by Kelly Siskind

(On a scale of 1-5 hearts)

Title: STUD
Author: Kelly Siskind
Link to buy:

I love this story. One of my CPs recommended it to me, and I’m glad she did. The whole plot is so well done and intricate without being forced. Basically, it’s about a personal  shopper (Ainsley) who meets a man (Owen) while volunteering for a Habitat for Humanity build. Miscommunications, general hijinks, great character growth, and likable supporting characters abound.

Non- Romance Plot – ♥♥♥♥♥ One of my favorite things about the plot is Ainsley’s love of crossword puzzles. It’s such a great detail, and the way it’s done throughout the whole book impresses the writer in me. She’s #detailgoals. For real. Beyond that, there’s a rich set of plot aspects that always hold your attention. I won’t ruin your discovery as reader.

Tension- ♥♥♥♥♥ Just yes. Just like the plot aspects that hold your attention, there’s a lot of tension. Most of which is created by a well-woven backstory. Just know, you’ll eagerly devour the pages to find out MORE.


Voice-♥♥♥♥♥ Yes, to her voice.

Writing-♥♥♥♥♥ Her writing is clever and readable. That’s the highest compliment I think that exists. Or maybe I can give? Clever and readable is a skill.

MC (Main Character)-♥♥♥♥♥ Ainsley is relatable. Like seriously relatable. My favorite thing about her is that she’s got this job that she really loves, but it isn’t perfect. It’s so close, and she never stops thinking about how to get there. I love the evolution of it.

Hero?-♥♥♥♥♥ Owen is fantastic, and you will fall in love alongside Ainsley. Anything else I say might reveal aspects of the romance I won’t ruin for you. So, this is all you get. A tease.

Other Characters-♥♥♥♥♥ The other characters are amazing. Her friends are sassy, supportive, and overall lovely. Owen’s friends are hilarious, supportive, and overall good.

ROMANCE-♥♥♥♥♥ It’s sweet, and builds with a true friendship. Slight enemies to friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes. I have a lot of favorite tropes, but this one is top five. Also, there are some sizzling parts too. It’s just a perfectly mixed book.

I highly recommend this if you’re stuck in a romance rut. Hell, I highly recommend this because it rocks. Do yourself a favor, and read this romance. . . if you like great characters, awesome writing, and fashion/ crossword puzzles.




Inspiration Post- The inspired idea.
The System Post-The rules of the road.

DNF: Do Not Finish

I try really, really hard not to DNF a book.

But there are “things” that I can’t get past. There are also moods, and weeks, and a thousand little nitpicked issues that add up to a DNF. I don’t always understand my vehement dislike, but I’ve decided I don’t want to write about DNFs.

I hate–that word might be a bit dramatic–the idea of barfing a bad review at any semi-well written book. I have a preference. A full blown case of the subjectivities. So, I don’t want to put another author on blast, just because I have the subjectivities. (Yes, I made a word up. Yes, I’m using it at least three times before this is over.)

I’m not saying don’t write a negative review if you feel strongly. Honestly, do you. But as for me, I’m going to admire and respect and cheer-lead. Does that mean I’ll pretend that diamond doesn’t have a flaw? Nope. I’ll be honest, but there’s got to be balance. There’s got to be an aspect I love.

My goal is for this review adventure to be Katie’s Treasure Trove of Never Ending Awesomeness. Where there are lollipop trees (exactly like the original Willa Wonka), and that giant gummy bear thingy, too. Tubs of hot baths filled with the perfect blend of essential oils and epsom salt. Coffee fountains–both cold and warm. Soft blankets. A twenty-four hour Amazon distribution center. Fantasy. Romance. Mushy, mushy love, and those sex scenes you would not be comfortable reading aloud. Basically, the necessities plus.

As for now, I’m going to nurse my case of subjectivities with an old book, and once I’ve re-read this magical experience a millionth time, I’ll review it. I’ll add it to my KTTONEA. (Yup, that’s a shitty acronym. You’re welcome.) Because here in KTTONEA (Population me.), we (Still only me. But you get it.) want to share the magic of book hangovers and impart the wisdom of fierce female leads. We want your reading experience to be an escape and an inspiration. We want your panties to metaphorically catch on fire (Ha! I went there. I wasn’t sure I could.).